Movie Event - FOOTPRINTS

This crtically-acclaimed and heartwarming true story of the power of love to change lives can now be a wonderful faith-building and outreach-oriented event for your church, school or organization. This movie is 'Creative Evangelism' at its best!  Here are some great ideas for how your group can host a powerful FOOTPRINTS Movie Event:


Church Event...let the movie touch the lives of people in your church and your community. A Movie Event is great for the entire church, or Sunday school. a Movie Event not only for your students, but also for parents and local church leaders.


Animal Rescue Groups...inspire your members and others in the community.


Christian Business Leaders...use a Movie Event as a team-building opportunity onsite or off.

$99.00: Standard Church Movie Event Kit

Includes DVD & Site License



Watch the Trailer


Suggested Use

Host a church movie night that reaches beyond your core, equipping your members to invite friends and family who might not be willing to come to a traditional service. The FOOTPRINTS movie license is great for ministries or business teams!




What church leaders are saying about FOOTPRINTS

Jim Huggins has brightened up a relevant area of ministry by thinking “out of the box”.  His skill at weaving a heartwarming story of man and animal presents evangelism in a refreshing and challenging venue that is both edifying and entertaining.

Archie P. Emerson, Senior Pastor
Ocean State Baptist Church
Smithfield, RI


I highly recommend viewing FOOTPRINTS.  We have long been waiting for a movie that teaches, gives hope, reveals faith and entertains.  FOOTPRINTS  is a true story that will certainly touch the heart.  This is a movie no one will want to miss

David Therrien, Pastor
New Hope Christian Church
Swansea, MA


Jim Huggins is a gifted storyteller who makes real life events accessible through the visual arts.  His passion for communicating the power and love of Jesus Christ in a heartwarming yet poignant way is like a breath of fresh air.  I believe FOOTPRINTS  will glorify God while broadening one’s perception of ministry.  Everyone should “paws” and see this movie!

Randall Ward, Vice President
Boston Baptist College
Boston, MA


Can you imagine the impact on our communities of a film company dedicated to developing and producing real-life Christian-based movies that glorify God?Through New Shepherd Films and their first full-length, feature film FOOTPRINTS, we have just that!  If you’re interested as I am in spreading the Love of God through creative means, then you’ll agree this vision is worth investing in!

Dr. Ronald L. Bernier, Pastor
Master Builder Ministries
Fall River, MA


While New England may not be the first place you'd think to look for an independent, faith-based film company, you can find us on the Southcoast of Massachusetts!

New Shepherd Films is located in Somerset, MA at 1610 US Highway 6.


We tell stories! Specifically, we tell true stories that highlight God at work in everyday lives. Everyday!

Given the pace of our society today...with all the demands and pressures we face each's easy to lose sight of the fact that God really does exist and that He's involved in our lives. Engaging stories are a great way to slow down and see the world around you from a different perspective!


Jim Huggins, Russ Dougherty,and Leslee Huggins are New Shepherd Films. Jim and Russ are the heart of the creative development team while Leslee provides unwavering support and is a key member of the management team.