Group Showings

Would you like to show our film at your church, at a community event, or any other public setting?  SO WOULD WE!!  Here's how to do it...

A word about showings and licenses:  When you purchase a regular DVD, the movie companies are giving you permission to view the film in your home with family members.  The license provided with that DVD does not extend to a public showing of the film.  This is true of all films.  Because of this limted license, showing films from New Shepherd Films in churches, ministry settings, and other locations is not legal.  New Shepherd Films releases are not coverd under CVLI (Christian Video Licensing Inc.) or MPLC (Motion Picture Licensing Corp.) either.  In order to use the films in this manner, you will need to purchase the Site License for our films. 

Please click on the poster to purchase a site license for the film.  You may also contact us at (508) 536-3188 if you have any questions and we'll be happy to help you.  Thank you!

FOOTPRINTS - Angels are real.  Some even have fur.

One man. Alone. Lost.

One Dog. Abused. Unwanted.

Both healed by love and brought together for reasons neither understood. But God did.

Critically-acclaimed by, receiving a 4+ "exemplary" for storytelling, and earning the Dove Foundation's "Family Approved" seal, FOOTPRINTS is a true story about the power of love and its ability to heal the past and provide strength for the future.

Become a fan and join us for the journey at!

For more information, including upcoming showings and to learn how you can get a DVD of FOOTPRINTS, please visit the film's official site at



While New England may not be the first place you'd think to look for an independent, faith-based film company, you can find us on the Southcoast of Massachusetts!

New Shepherd Films is located in Somerset, MA at 1610 US Highway 6.


We tell stories! Specifically, we tell true stories that highlight God at work in everyday lives. Everyday!

Given the pace of our society today...with all the demands and pressures we face each's easy to lose sight of the fact that God really does exist and that He's involved in our lives. Engaging stories are a great way to slow down and see the world around you from a different perspective!


Jim Huggins, Russ Dougherty,and Leslee Huggins are New Shepherd Films. Jim and Russ are the heart of the creative development team while Leslee provides unwavering support and is a key member of the management team.